International Car Codes (Oval Stickers) - Country Codes List
A |
Code | Country | Notes |
A | Austria | Sticker Available |
AFG | Afghanistan | Sticker Available |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | Sticker Available |
AL | Albania | Sticker Available |
AND | Andorra | |
ANG | Angola | |
ARK* | Antarctica | |
ARM | Armenia | |
ARU* | Aruba | |
AUS | Australia | Sticker Available |
AX | Åland | |
AZ | Azerbaijan | |
B |
Code | Country | Notes |
B | Belgium | ![]() |
BD | Bangladesh | Sticker Available |
BDS | Barbados | |
BF | Burkina Faso | until August 2003, 1984: (République(de))Haute Volta (Upper Volta) |
BG | Bulgaria | |
BZ | Belize | formerly British Honduras |
BHT | Bhutan | |
BIH | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Bosna i Hercegovina (Bosn.) |
BOL | Bolivia | |
BR | Brazil | Sticker Available |
BRN | Bahrain | |
BRU | Brunei | |
BS | Bahamas | |
BTN | Bhutan | |
BU | Burundi | |
BY | Belarus | ![]() |
C |
Code | Country | Notes |
C | Cuba | Sticker Available |
CAM | Cameroon | |
DRC | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Belgian Congo, Ré Congo (Léopoldville, Congo(Kinshasa),Zaire |
CDN | Canada | Sticker Available, Canadian Dominion |
CH | Switzerland | ![]() |
CI | Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | |
CL | Sri Lanka | formerly Ceylon |
CO | Colombia | Sticker Available |
COM | Comoros | |
CR | Costa Rica | Sticker Available |
CV | Cape Verde | |
CY | Cyprus | |
CZ | Czech Republic | Sticker Available |
D |
Code | Country | Notes |
D | Germany | Germ.) |
DJI | Djibouti | |
DK | Denmark | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
DY | Benin | formerly Dahomey-1976 |
DZ | Algeria | Al Djazaïr (Arab.) |
E |
Code | Country | Notes |
E | Spain | Sticker Available, España (Span.) |
EAK | Kenya | East Africa Kenya |
EAT | Tanzania | East Africa Tanzania |
EAU | Uganda | East Africa Uganda |
EC | Ecuador | |
ER | Eritrea | Africa Orientale Italiana (It.) |
ES | El Salvador | |
EST | Estonia | 1940-91 part of Soviet Union |
ET | Egypt | Egyptian Territory |
ETH | Ethiopia | Africa Orientale Italiana (It.) |
F |
Code | Country | Notes |
F | France | Sticker Available |
FIN | Finland | Sticker Available, Suomi Finland |
FJI | Fiji | |
FL | Liechtenstein | Fürstentum Liechtenstein (Germ.) |
FO | Faroes | |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | |
G |
Code | Country | Notes |
G | Gabon | Afrique Equatorial Francais |
GB | [Great Britain - as opposed to "UK", which encompasses Northern Ireland] | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland |
GBA | Alderney | Great Britain - Alderney |
GBG | Guernsey | Great Britain - Guernsey |
GBJ | Jersey | Great Britain - Jersey |
GBM | Isle of Man | Great Britain - Man |
GBZ | Gibraltar | Great Britain - Gibraltar [Z was assigned as G was already used for Guernsey] |
GCA | Guatemala | Guatemala Central America |
GE | Georgia | Soviet Union |
GH | Ghana | West Africa Gold Coast - 1957 |
GW, RGB | Guinea-Bissau | Portuguese Guinea - 1974. República da Guiné-Bissau |
GQ* | Equatorial Guinea | Spanish Guinea - 1968 |
GR | Greece | Sticker Available |
GUY | Guyana | formerly British Guiana - 1966 |
H |
Code | Country | Notes |
H | Hungary | Sticker Available |
HK | Hong Kong | |
HN | Honduras | |
HR | Croatia | Hrvatska (Croat.) |
I |
Code | Country | Notes |
I | Italy | Sticker Available |
IL | Israel | |
IND | India | |
IR | Iran | |
IRL | Republic of Ireland | Sticker Available |
IRQ | Iraq | |
IS | Iceland | Island (Iceland.) |
J |
Code | Country | Notes |
J | Japan | |
JA | Jamaica | |
JOR | Jordan | |
K |
Code | Country | Notes |
K | Cambodia | Kampuchea 1976-89 |
KAN* | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
KN | Greenland | Kalaallit Nunaat |
KS | Kyrgyzstan | formerly Kirgizia S.S.R. - 1991 |
KIR | Kiribati | formerly the Gilbert, Line & Phoenix Islands - 1975. Part of the Gilbert & Ellice Islands Colony. |
KP | North Korea | Korea, Democratic People’s Republic |
KSA | Saudi-Arabia | Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia |
KWT | Kuwait | |
KZ | Kazakhstan | |
L |
Code | Country | Notes |
L | Luxembourg | |
LAO | Laos | formerly part of French Indo-China - 1949 |
LAR* | Libya | Libyan Arab Republic |
LB* | Liberia | |
LS | Lesotho | Basutoland - 1966 |
LT | Lithuania | |
LV | Latvia | |
M |
Code | Country | Notes |
M | Malta | |
MA | Morocco | Sticker Available, Maroc, El Maghreb |
MAL | Malaysia | formerly Federated Malay States, then Perseketuan Tanah Malayu |
MC | Monaco | |
MD | Moldova | |
MNE | Montenegro | Sticker Available |
MEX | Mexico | ![]() |
MGL | Mongolia | |
MH | Marshall Islands | |
MIS | Marshall Islands | |
MK | Macedonia | |
MNS | Micronesia | |
MOC | Mozambique | Moçambique |
MS | Mauritius | |
MV* | Maldives | |
MW | Malawi | formerly The Nyasaland Protectorate |
MYA | Myanmar | |
N |
Code | Country | Notes |
N | Norway | Sticker Available |
NA | Netherlands Antilles | |
NAM | Namibia | South-West Africa |
NAU | Nauru | |
NC | New Caledonia | |
NEP* | Nepal | |
NIC | Nicaragua | |
NL | Netherlands | Sticker Available |
NZ | New Zealand | |
O |
Code | Country | Notes |
OM | Oman | |
P |
Code | Country | Notes |
P | Portugal | ![]() |
PA | Panama | |
PAK | Pakistan | Sticker Available |
PAL | Palau | formerly part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands - 1980 |
PE | Peru | |
PL | Poland | ![]() |
PMR* | Transnistria | PMR stands for the initials of Приднестровская Молдавская Република (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic), the full name of Transnistria |
PNG* | Papua-New Guinea | |
PS | Palestinian Authority | |
PY | Paraguay | |
PR | Puerto Rico | |
Q |
Code | Country | Notes |
Q | Qatar | |
R |
Code | Country | Notes |
RA | Argentina | ![]() |
RB | Botswana | Republic of Botswana |
RC | Republic of China (Taiwan) | Republic of China (Taiwan) |
RCA | Central African Republic | République Centrafricaine (French) |
RCB | Republic of the Congo | République du Congo Brazzaville (Fr.) |
RCH | Chile | República de Chile (Span.), Sticker Available |
RG | Guinea | République de Guinée (Fr.) |
RH | Haiti | République d'Haïti (Fr.) |
RI | Indonesia | Republik Indonesia (Indones.), Sticker Available |
RIM | Mauritania | République islamique de Mauritanie (Fr.) |
RL | Lebanon | République Libanaise (Fr.) |
RM | Madagascar | République de Madagascar(Fr.)Formerly Malagasy Republic 1970-79 |
RMM | Mali | République du Mali (Fr.) Formerly French Sudan - 1960 |
RN | Niger | République du Niger (Fr.) Formerly part of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française - 1960) |
RO | Romania | ![]() |
ROK | Korea | Republic of Korea |
ROU | Uruguay | República Oriental del Uruguay (Span.) |
RP | Philippines | Republic of the Philippines |
RSM | San Marino | Repubblica di San Marino (It.) |
RT | Togo | Republique Togolaise (French.)formerly French Togoland - 1960 |
RUS | Russia | Sticker Available |
RWA | Rwanda | formerly part of Ruanda-Urundi - 1962 |
S |
Code | Country | Notes |
S | Sweden | Sticker Available/td> |
SA | Saudi Arabia | |
SRB | Serbia | |
SD | Swaziland | |
SGP | Singapore | |
SK | Slovakia | |
SLB | Solomon Islands | |
SLO | Slovenia | Sticker Available |
SME | Suriname | |
SMOM | Sovereign Military Order of Malta | |
SN | Senegal | |
SO | Somalia | |
SOL | Solomon Islands | |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
SUD* | Sudan | |
SY | Seychelles | |
SYR | Syria | |
T |
Code | Country | Notes |
T | Thailand | |
TCH* | Chad | Tchad (French.) |
TG* | Togo | SEE RT |
TJ | Tajikistan | |
TL | Timor-Leste (East Timor) | |
TM | Turkmenistan | |
TN | Tunisia | |
TO | Tonga | |
TR | Turkey | |
TS | Free Territory of Trieste | Until 1954 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TUV | Tuvalu | formerly the Ellice Islands-75 (Gilbert & Ellice) |
U |
Code | Country | Notes |
UA | Ukraine | Sticker Available |
UAE | United Arab Emirates | |
USA | United States of America | ![]() |
UZ | Uzbekistan | |
V |
Code | Country | Notes |
V | Vatican City | |
VN | Vietnam | |
W |
Code | Country | Notes |
WAG | The Gambia | West Africa Gambia |
WAL | Sierra Leone | West Africa Sierra Leone |
WAN | Nigeria | West Africa Nigeria |
WD | Dominica | Windward Islands Dominica |
WG | Grenada | Windward Islands Grenada |
WL | Saint Lucia | Windward Islands Saint Lucia |
WS | Samoa | formerly Western Samoa |
WSA* | Western Sahara | formerly Spanish Sahara (Sahara Español), mostly Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic |
WV | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Windward Islands Saint Vincent |
Y |
Code | Country | Notes |
YEM | Yemen | Formerly YAR (Yemen Arab Republic) |
YV | Venezuela | |
Z |
Code | Country | Notes |
Z | Zambia | |
ZA | South Africa | Zuid Afrika (Afrikaans), Sticker Available |
ZW | Zimbabwe |
- Note
- * Non-official